Residential Foreclosure Attorney Westchester

At Foreclosure Attorney in Westchester NY, we provide a number of services in an effort to save our clients from the possibility of foreclosure. The nature of foreclosure is so serious that it’s critical you take any actions possible to evade that outcome, and that’s certainly something that we’re capable of assisting you with. Based in Westchester, New York, we’ve been offering these services to our clients across the region for many years now, and we’re confident that there’s no foreclosure situation that we’re incapable of helping with. If you find yourself in a situation like this, you’d be wise to reach out to us as soon as possible.
Our Services

We’ve created a broad and comprehensive range of services to make sure that we can help with any kind of foreclosure situation that crops up. While the basic foundation of a foreclosure is that you’re not able to make your mortgage payments, the fact is that the reason why that’s the case can vary enormously. With differing circumstances come differing solutions. We’ll examine your situation to find the right course of action, and this could give you real salvation. From Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to home foreclosure defense, we’ll look at every mechanism possible to assist you.
Foreclosure Litigation Defense
Loan Modification
Short Sale
Foreclosure Litigation Defense
If foreclosure is moving ahead and you feel out of options, it’s worth hiring a foreclosure attorney to defend you in court. It’s entirely possible that the foreclosure hasn’t been done in the proper manner – either because they’ve not followed the strict rules set out by the state, or because the lending procedure wasn’t done fairly or legally in the first place. Our attorneys can provide a staunch defense that could give you a lower settlement, or even end the foreclosure altogether.
Loan Modification
More often than not, loan modification is the most desirable course of action for people at risk of foreclosure. Loan modifications are where the terms of your loan are changed. Generally, this will see the loan repayment period extended considerably, sometimes with lower interest rates or with a reduction of the principal balance.
Short Sale
A short sale might be the best way forward if you’re not in position to restructure your payments moving forward. This is where you sell your property for less than the amount of the mortgage debt owed, usually done with the idea that the deficiency (the difference between the two sums) will be waived. We’re more than capable of carrying out this process for you to avoid a foreclosure, as well as a deficiency judgment.

Deed-in-lieu of Foreclosure
Repayment Plan
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Deed-in-lieu of Foreclosure
A deed-in-lieu of foreclosure is where the property owner voluntarily hands over the title of the property so that they’re released from their mortgage obligation. This is done to avoid the foreclosure on your credit history, and so that you don’t have to manage the sale of the property yourself (as would be the case with a short sale). It’s useful for securing a longer period of time in your property, which gives you time to plan your next move forward.
Repayment Plan
A repayment plan is where a borrower makes up the payments that they’ve missed while still making the payments that they owe on a regular basis – which means that you’ll likely need to be in a stronger financial position than you were previously. We’ll help you to calculate the payments that you’ll be capable of making, with the approval of either your lender or mortgage servicer.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy might be the sensible course of action if you’re at risk of an imminent foreclosure – as it can help to delay the process by 3 to 5 years, and even avoid it altogether if you can make good on the debts that you owe. It’s always worth exploring the possibility of forbearance, reinstatement, and refinancing before going down this route, but it could be a solution for you.

Contact Us Today
If you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy foreclosure attorney in New York state, you’re not going to find a better service than us. To arrange a consultation with one of our attorneys, or to get further information on any of the services that we provide or prices that we carry, speak to our customer service team today. They’re available on our main telephone number during regular working hours, or via our online contact form, with both contact points accessible on our website. Speak to them today and move forward in a positive fashion.
“Very responsive … Exceptionally knowledgeable and insightful. Would highly recommend.”
“I would definitely recommend … Mr. Zuniga responded to me quickly and explained everything I had to know about the process for my case.”
“Very thorough and provides great explanations … Highly recommend.”